Cyclists making good progress


By Mark Stevens

A group of diehard Exeter Chiefs fans and keen cyclists are now midway through riding their way to the club's first European away game of the season.

The 16 fans left from Sandy Park on Monday morning and hope to arrive on Friday in Belfast, 24 hours before Exeter face Ulster in the Champions Cup encounter at the Kingspan Stadium.

Rather than asking for sponsorship, the riders are asking those wishing to donate to guess the distance of their ride and pay £5 or more to enter a competition with prizes including Chiefs tickets and cycling shirts.

Money raised will be donated to the Exeter Foundation, the official club charity of the Chiefs, which helps provide much-needed funds for numerous charities across the city and surrounding area.

Back in January, 23 cyclists braved the winter elements to pedal their way from Sandy Park to Bordeaux in the first-ever European Cycle Challenge.

img_1265-2Organiser David Cosford said: "We all like cycling and we all support the chiefs, they are our two passions. We raised £22,500 last season between 23 of us who cycled to France, and we are hoping to raise a good amount again now.

"We are raising money for the Exeter Foundation, which is 14 charities supported by the foundation and all the money raised is going to them.

"Our aim from now and into the future seasons is to go and see one European away game by cycling there, wherever that may be.

"I've been practising by drinking lots of Guinness this year. Most of us are reasonably fit cyclists, and we have some great sponsors, lots of supporters, including Exeter Rugby Club chief executive and chairman Tony Rowe OBE, who is using his own coach as one of the back-up vehicles."

The coach, affectionately named Doris, will be heading across the Irish Sea where the cyclists will head up the west coast of Ireland before crossing into Northern Ireland and arriving at the Kingspan Stadium late on Friday afternoon.

Mr Cosford added: "Doris is our bus and will act as our kitchen and toilet en-route so we will have Doris stops. After every 13 miles or so we'll stop and soup and sandwiches. We'd like to thank Tesco who are supplying a load of food for us."

For more information or to donate visit

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