Chiefs Community Team deliver another successful Year


After what has been a difficult year for everyone, the Exeter Chiefs Community team have enjoyed getting back to basics, working with schools and local rugby clubs across the South West since March, running Premiership Rugby programmes such as Project Rugby, Hitz, Tackling Health, Premiership Champions, as well as the popular half term ‘Train Like A Chief’ camps and plenty of activity days at various schools.

The award-winning education and employability programme Hitz hasn’t stopped at all with staff and students continuing through all lockdowns and restrictions in the first lockdown adapting to running the programme online, before returning to the base of Hitz operations at Topsham RFC. Considering the challenging year we have had, the Hitz staff managed to get a record breaking 40 students onboard who recently all successfully completed the programme. 

There have been some fantastic results including 100% completion on the Sports and Active Leisure programme, 100% completion on the Employability programme and 100% completion on Maths and English modules. Also, previous student Callum Pope, who transitioned into a working role with education provider SCL as an apprentice tutor, managed to win an award for his effort and work ethic. The Hitz programme has gone from strength to strength over the last couple of years and Hitz Officer Gareth Williams and SCL Lead Tutor Lewis Griffiths deserve a huge well done as without them the programme wouldn’t be as successful as it is.

Project Rugby aims to work with Secondary and Disability Schools pupils, increasing participation in traditionally underrepresented groups as well as introducing new players to grassroots rugby clubs. Delivered in schools including Honiton College, Exmouth Community College, Plympton Academy and Ilfracombe Academy has soon over 1,000 children taking part, as well as over 100 SEN students from Ellen Tinkham and Orchard Manor School. The Community team also ran two fantastic rugby-themed festivals at Topsham RFC, with around 200 pupils joining in over the two days. This aimed to show pupils a local grassroots rugby club and give them a trip away from school. 

The Community Primary Schools Tackling Health programme has also been a great success. This is a five-week programme based around healthy eating, as well as having a physical tag rugby element. 

Within the space of five months, the team hit record numbers with the programme being delivered to 44 classes in schools all around Devon, and over 1,100 children joining in. The programme has always proved to be highly popular, both in the classroom and outdoors. One success this year was in Haywards Primary School, where 15 pupils who took part in the programme transitioned to their local rugby club to continue their journey within the sport.

Also, the team delivered workshops for their Premiership Champions digital application, which is aimed at giving teachers a rugby themed, digital solution for delivering Science, PSHE, Mathematics and P.E lessons. Teachers can use the application during curriculum time as it includes lesson plans, interactive resources, and tag rugby lesson ideas.

A lot of teachers took part in our workshops and there was incredibly positive feedback across the board. Another big hit for the Community team recently has been their Activity Days, where they have been in many Primary and Secondary schools all over Devon delivering rugby sessions to children who have chosen to take part.

Lastly, the team's ‘Train Like A Chief’ rugby camps were able to run during half term holidays. With the team holding COVID secure camps at a variety of venues across Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. These camps are continuing to be run throughout August.

If you would like to learn more about what we do or are interested in one of our programmes please click on the Community tab for a breakdown of everything we offer contact information. Also we are on Facebook and Instagram @CommunityChiefs where we upload lot’s of stories relating to our programmes, holiday camp dates and match day experience information.

Delivery Manager Richard Bright commented: "With how hard the world and especially rugby was hit by the pandemic it was amazing to be able to get back out to our local community and engage with children and young adults. It’s been an incredibly tough and challenging time for everyone over the last 12 months and to be able to run our various Community activities has been important for getting children outside, exercising with a smile on their faces." 

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