HITZ Education Visit to Devon’s Waste

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The Hitz cohort recently made an educational trip to Exeter Chiefs partners SUEZ UK who own Devon Contract Waste, who reassuringly service our stadium. 

The Exeter recycling plant is based at Greendale. Enriching their understanding of recycling processes and the importance of sustainable practices, this excursion was part of our provision's ongoing efforts to promote environmental awareness among students and understand the broad career options possible in an organisation like Suez UK. 

Apprenticeships opportunities are growing, and we don’t want to miss out!

Hitz students had been studying Health & Safety at work as part of their employability qualification, so it was no surprise that after being warmly welcomed by the Suez team, they were armed with steel toe capped boots, hi-vis jackets, hard hats and had a safety briefing before being split into two groups and venturing onto site. 

A unique learning experience, Hitz were treated to a marketing workshop, a tour around the working plant and a wonderful lunch.

We learned about its history, and its role in the community. They emphasized that recycling is not just about managing waste but also about conserving resources and reducing our environmental footprint. The Suez vision centres around living in a society that has no more waste. 

Over the course of the last year, SUEZ has handled over 10 million tonnes of waste in the UK. The effort is then pointed at a second life for it all, reusing, recycling or recovering for their energy content.

Nationally, mind blowing facts like diverting 6.7 million tonnes from landfill and 1,672,348 MW of electricity generated makes a company like SUEZ UK a phenomenal place to work for. 

It was inspirational for our young people to see behind the scenes and realise that you can make an impact by being part of an admin team, marketing, collections, business development, engineers, forklift and HGV drivers, a leader within that environment even repairing bikes for reuse. 

Benefiting from extensive training in this field, the employees working there are assured of safety, a holistic approach to well being involving emotional, mental and physical elements of our lives.

Keep a look out for the colourful bins around the stadium and choose what you need wisely.

The community team would like to give a huge thanks go to Stephanie Saenz for organising us and a brilliant experience for the Hitz team!

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