Hitz stories - Josh Screech

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By Aron Struminski

Exeter Chiefs are rightly proud of the work that has been carried out by their HITZ team.

Indeed, since its inception, the programme has been responsible for helping to turnaround the lives of a great number of youngsters who, until their involvement with HITZ, were struggling to cope with the demands of day-to-day life.

One of those success stories is Josh Screech, who after moving out of his mum’s house at just 13 and away from his foster family a couple of years later, was left homeless, building up debt and battling drug addiction.

Having relocated to Exeter, however, he became involved in the HITZ programme at Chiefs, which has seen him transform his life and shape his ambitions. 

Through working closely with the HITZ team and creating strong links, Josh worked hard, developed his skills and was rewarded by winning at the National Hitz awards in 2019, picking up the prestigious Young Achiever of the Year.

Since graduating from the HITZ academy, Josh has officially left the care system and has become independent in all senses of the word. He has secured himself a full-time position working with vulnerable adults who have additional needs and has moved into his very own accommodation, loving his new lifestyle.

“I love my job and being able to support myself financially," he said. "The employability sessions and life skills I learnt on the programme were invaluable to me. HITZ is a life changer, it’s changed my life and I’d recommend it to anyone out there. We never thought this would happen, it’s an amazing feeling.

“I came down from Wiltshire as I was moved for my own safety. I was in a lot of debt and I needed something to do, needed to pick myself back up. I got recommended to the HITZ programme and thought I’d give it a shot. I was very nervous as I suffered from social anxiety and depression, but I knew within the first few hours that this was what I wanted to do and was what I needed."

In recent times, Josh has continued to excel in his rugby career, winning two awards at the end of year presentation.

To find out more about the Exeter Chiefs HITZ programme, click here 

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